Given a sorted array arr
, Array Bisection Algorithm (a.k.a. Bisection Method, Binary Search Method) enables us to find an insertion point i
for a new element val
such that arr[i-1] < val <= arr[i]
(or, arr[i] < val <= arr[i+1]
Consider we want to insert a number 10
to a sorted array [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
. Here, an insertion point should be i=3
as arr[2] < 10 <= arr[3]
A naive method is sequentially walking through the elements until we hit the condition:
def search(arr, val):
>>> search([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 10)
if val < arr[0]:
return 0
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
if arr[i-1] < val and val <= arr[i]:
return i
return len(arr)
The time complexity of this approach is $O(N)$, and larger arrays take more time to complete the operation.
As an optimized way to solve the problem, binary search finds out an insertion point in $O(\log N)$ time complexity.
The basic idea of the method is to repeatedly split arr
into two chunks, first-half arr[:mid]
and last-half arr[mid+1:]
of the elements, until a dividing point mid
reaches the target value val
A GIF image below from illustrates how it works in comparison with the naive method:
Although Python implements the algorithm as a standard library bisect
, let's try to implement it from scratch.
Starting from lo=0
and hi=len(arr)-1
, what we have to do is to keep narrowing down a focused range while maintaining arr[lo] < val <= arr[hi]
def bisect(arr, val):
"""Bisection algorithm
Return an index of an ascending-ordered array `arr` where `val` can be inserted. A returned index `i` indicates a potential insertion point, and
`arr[i:]` must come after `val` once inserted.
>>> bisect([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 1)
>>> bisect([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 4)
>>> bisect([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 3)
>>> bisect([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 10)
>>> bisect([2, 4, 8, 16, 32], 64)
if len(arr) == 0:
return 0
if val < arr[0]:
return 0
if arr[-1] < val:
return len(arr)
lo, hi = 0, len(arr) - 1
while lo < hi:
if val == arr[lo]:
return lo
elif val == arr[hi]:
return hi
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
if val == arr[mid]:
return mid
elif val < arr[mid]:
hi = mid
lo = mid + 1
return lo
In the case of looking for a position where 10
fits in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
, the method updates lo
and hi
as follows.
First, all elements from head to tail are considered:
2 4 8 16 32
^ ^ ^
Next, the method realizes the first-half of the array elements is smaller than 10
, and hence they are ignored so that the following process can focus only on the second half:
2 4 8 16 32
^ ^
Finally, arr[2] < 10 <= arr[3]
is confirmed, and 3
is returned as a potential insertion point:
2 4 8 16 32
The bisection method can widely be applicable for searching a certain data point from historical records.
In real-world applications, it's safe to say that historical records arrive in the order of timestamp, and hence a target array is typically pre-ordered when we search something from there.
To give an example, assume you have a Tweet database for each user:
class User(object):
def __init__(self):
self.tweets = []
def tweet(self, datetime, text):
self.tweets.append((datetime, text))
The database sequentially stores a new tweet as soon as it's posted:
user = User()
user.tweet(20100101, 'Hello, world.')
# ...
user.tweet(20201201, 'I am hungry.')
user.tweet(20201231, 'Sleepy...')
user.tweet(202101015, 'Happy New Year!')
# ....
A question here could be "What was the last tweet in 2020?"
If we use bisect
, an answer to the query can be easily and efficiently found by searching an insertion point for (20210101, '')
def last_before(timestamp, arr):
arr[i] := (timestamp, value)
pos = bisect(arr, (timestamp, ''))
if pos == 0:
return ''
if pos == len(arr):
return arr[-1][1]
if arr[pos][0] == timestamp:
return arr[pos][1]
return arr[pos-1][1]
last_before(20210101, user.tweets) # => "Sleepy..."
Even if a target list is not pre-sorted, growing an array while maintaining its order is not hard when we leverage heap (sorted dictionary/queue, to be more precise). It only takes $O(\log N)$ for insertion.
The method itself is simple, but the efficient searching technique could accelerate a lot of real-life applications we can think of.
See also
- 2021-04-04
- The Essence of Supply Chain Management
- 2017-01-21
- FluRS: A Python Library for Online Item Recommendation
- 2017-01-14
- Recommendation.jl: Building Recommender Systems in Julia
Last updated: 2022-09-02
Author: Takuya Kitazawa
Takuya Kitazawa is a freelance software developer, previously working at a Big Tech and Silicon Valley-based start-up company where he wore multiple hats as a full-stack software developer, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and product manager. At the intersection of technological and social aspects of data-driven applications, he is passionate about promoting the ethical use of information technologies through his mentoring, business consultation, and public engagement activities. See CV for more information, or contact at [email protected].
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