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2019 - 2021

What's New and Coming to Apache Hivemall: Building More Flexible Machine Learning Solution for Apache Hive and Spark

ApacheCon North America 2019

What's New and Coming to Apache Hivemall: Building More Flexible Machine Learning Solution for Apache Hive and Spark @ ApacheCon North America 2019


Apache Hivemall is a scalable machine learning library for Apache Hive, Spark, and Pig. Hivemall allows us to apply a wealth of machine learning techniques to massive data stored in distributed storage by just writing a series of SQL-like queries. It provides classification, regression, recommendation, anomaly detection, and topic modeling functionalities in a scalable manner, along with a variety of auxiliary functions for data preprocessing and feature engineering.

This talk demonstrates the Hivemall library with a special emphasis on its new features merged after the first Apache Incubator release. Hivemall v0.5.2-incubating, the latest version as of April 2019, has introduced a state-of-the-art generalized factor model named Field-Aware Factorization Machines and many useful UDFs (e.g., data sketching) originated from the Brickhouse Hive UDF package.

We also show the roadmap of this incubating project. Open issues and pull requests include Apache Spark 2.4 support, implementation of new algorithms such as word2vec and multi-nominal logistic regression, as well as integration with widely-used tools like XGBoost and LightGBM.


  書いた人: たくち

Takuya Kitazawaたくち)です。長野県出身、カナダ・バンクーバー在住のソフトウェアエンジニア。これまでB2B/B2Cの各領域で、Web技術・データサイエンス・機械学習のプロダクト化および顧客への導入支援・コンサルティング、そして関連分野の啓蒙活動に携わってきました。現在は主に北米(カナダ)、アジア(日本)、アフリカ(マラウイ)の個人および企業を対象にフリーランスとして活動中。詳しい経歴はレジュメ を参照ください。いろいろなまちを走って、時に自然と戯れながら、その時間その場所の「日常」を生きています。ご意見・ご感想およびお仕事のご相談は [email protected] まで。