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Deploying Static Site to GitHub Pages via Travis CI

  Gift a cup of coffee

As I repeatedly mentioned in this blog, takuti.me is currently generated by Hugo:

Manual deployment

Until quite recently, my deployment workflow was not clever; I manually followed the steps as:

  1. Write an article under takuti.me/_content directory
  2. Hit rake command and generate my site under the public/ directory
  3. Commit & push takuti.me/* to repository (source), except for public/
  4. Commit & push takuti.me/public/* to repository (GitHub Pages)

It actually works, but we can automate the workflow more aggressively...it's 2017!

Utilizing deploy: feature on Travis CI

So, eventually deployment becomes easier thanks to the following guide:

My current .travis.yml looks like:

language: c
os: osx

  - npm install -g gulp
  - npm install
  - brew update && brew install hugo

  - rake

    - master

  email: false

  provider: pages
  skip_cleanup: true
  local_dir: public
  github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in travis-ci.org dashboard
    branch: master
  repo: takuti/takuti.github.io
  target_branch: master
  fqdn: takuti.me

Once you have set your $GITHUB_TOKEN to environment variables in travis-ci.org, CI on source repository automatically generates your site and pushes it to GitHub Pages repository; now what we have to do is:

  1. Write an article under takuti.me/_content directory
  2. Commit & push takuti.me/* to repository (source), except for public/

Neat, huh?

In case that you are using custome domain on GitHub Pages like me, setting fqdn: as fqdn: takuti.me enables Travis CI to automatically create the CNAME file under xxx.github.io repository.


Unfortunately, the CI-based deployment still has problems.

First, Deployment Bot removes all of your commit logs in xxx.github.io repository; it forcibly pushes to the repository:


In addition, since installation such as npm install and brew install is necessaly for every time CI is launched, deployment usually takes more than 5 minutes.

In fact, these are minor problems from a practical point of view, but I personally believe that deploying static site can be more efficient and technologically stimulating by different approach e.g., using Docker containers. So, I continuouslly try to update how to organize takuti.me.




  See also

Moving Julia Project from Travis CI to GitHub Actions #JuliaLang
Moving to GitHub Pages
Migrate to Hugo from Jekyll: Another Solution for the MathJax+Markdown Issue


Last updated: 2022-06-05

  Author: Takuya Kitazawa

Takuya Kitazawa is a freelance software developer, previously working at a Big Tech and Silicon Valley-based start-up company where he wore multiple hats as a full-stack software developer, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and product manager. At the intersection of technological and social aspects of data-driven applications, he is passionate about promoting the ethical use of information technologies through his mentoring, business consultation, and public engagement activities. See CV for more information, or contact at [email protected].

  Gift a cup of coffee


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  • I am doing my best to ensure the accuracy and fair use of the information. However, there might be some errors, outdated information, or biased subjective statements because the main purpose of this blog is to jot down my personal thoughts as soon as possible before conducting an extensive investigation. Visitors understand the limitations and rely on any information at their own risk.
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